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Kim Perrier, Sculptor, Designer
Realism contained within any art form allows us to celebrate the wonders of our physical world and the magical mystery of our metaphysical selves within this world. A great challenge for me has been to realize and merge the primary elements of Realism and Abstract forms. While some may question this endeavour, I view Abstractionism as a purified or justified display of the sanity of humanity.

My quest has been to marry these two elements and create an equality that coexists within each work. As an artist, I explore the realms that lie between the known and the yet unseen. I look beyond what I think is there and strive for a fresh understanding.

I am immensely proud of my Canadian heritage, which dates back to 1648. Despite the distance from our extended family in Canada, living abroad has at times been challenging. I deeply miss the West Coast and the majestic Rocky Mountains where I spent my formative years. I am grateful that our mother and extended family honoured the First Nations People of Canada. "Oh Canada!"
Thanks to my wife Marie and our three girls Sienne, Kemile, and Sophie. Whatever I may do they are not far from the front line and of course my staunchest defenders or greatest critics. Artists can be selfish with their time yet I continue to strive to be the best family man I can. Unfortunately for the family being an artist is out there.
I have embraced a unique specialization that I've coined as "materiologist," and it has undeniably played a pivotal role in shaping my career and work. I wholeheartedly recommend exploring this field. When asked about my work, it's often easier to list the materials I haven't worked with; it's a testament to how deeply I've immersed myself in this endeavor.

The archive section on this website provides a window into my journey, which began in the early 1980s. My unwavering passion has driven me to research diverse materials and pioneer new techniques, all in the pursuit of creating groundbreaking sculptures. Through this exploration, three distinct styles of portraying the human form have emerged. I hope you find them inspiring and thought-provoking.

If you find resonance in what you see, I invite you to reach out via email; your feedback is invaluable to me.

I relish pushing the boundaries of my own abilities. Among the myriad materials I've experimented with, casting Lead Crystal Glass stands out as the most challenging yet profoundly rewarding.

My overarching mission is to craft an artistic representation of our world, one that is often taken for granted by far too many. Magic and beauty envelop us, but these wonders are frequently obscured by the haze of human confusion and greed.
My passion for photography and videography has evolved me into a visual storyteller, a chronicler of journeys and narratives, whether they belong to me or others. This art has granted me the privilege of immersion like no other.

Life offers an overwhelming tapestry of experiences, far too numerous for a single lifetime to contain. In my case, my path to documenting the lives of others unfolded naturally. One day, it simply happened, and I found myself on an unexpected and exceptional journey.

One of the most profound honors I've had is my collaboration with the Noongar people of the lower southwest of Western Australia. Through their stories, I've glimpsed the struggles, the beauty, and the profound heritage they cherish and are dedicated to preserving and passing on with pride to the next generation.

Within this remarkable journey, I've been blessed to forge a deep friendship with Eugene Eades, a Noongar elder, leader, healer, and an unwavering advocate for change within the Western Australian justice system.

As Eugene sagely articulates, "One must step out of their comfort zone to truly learn and flourish." Together, we continue to venture into uncharted territories of understanding, empathy, and change.
Having works in large public collections is the greatest honor any artist could achieve, and I consider myself fortunate to be among the few who have had this privilege. 

Most of the major pieces featured on my website remain part of my personal collection. Although they have been showcased in some prestigious exhibitions and offered for sale, they have yet to find buyers. At this stage of my life, I am grateful that they didn't sell. Somehow, I managed to sell enough smaller works to sustain my practice. 

It strikes me that I may possess one of the most extensive personal, private collections of any sculptor in Australia.

Fortunately, the internet has bridged the gap, allowing artists like us to share our work on a global scale, transcending the boundaries of oceans and deserts that once confined and constrained our artistic endeavours within this state. Welcome to Australia.
Kim Perrier, received a scholarship in 1972 and studied at the Vancouver School of Art, Canada
The family immigrated to New Zealand in 1975
Kim traveled to Australia 1978 settling in Bridgetown West Australia.

Represented in the:
National Gallery Collection, Canberra
National Mapping Library, Canberra
Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Darwin
Northcliffe Understory Sculpture Park (Rising from the Ashes Collection 2016)
Bunbury Cathedral Grammer School, Bunbury Western Australia

Exhibited one-man show in New York: International Arts Expo
National and International Australian Contemporary Jewellery Touring Exhibitions to Japan and SE Asia and a historic and contemporary exhibition to Europe.

Recipient of an Australian National Craft Acquisition Award
Inaugural Horton’s Wine Sculpture Award
2015 Sculptures by the Sea Cottesloe (Perth) West Australian Sculptor Scholarship Award
2015 Sculptures by the Sea Bondi (Sydney) Peoples Choice Award
2020 Bunbury Southwest Survey Peoples Choice Award
2021 Rockingham Castaways Peoples Choice Award
2022Rockingham Castaways Peoples Choice Award

Numerous publications, Televised Documentaries
           'Butterflies are Free"
Life Size Bronze and Lead Glass Crystal
Perrier CV
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